Course Redesign Institute: Adapting your Course for Remote Instruction

aRegistration is currently closed for our remote CRDI offerings. If you are interested in working on your course redesign independently, you can access all CRDI materials by clicking on the workbook images below.

The Course Redesign Institute is a structured online experience intended to help instructors with planning remote courses. The Course Redesign process has been divided into two separate institutes, with the first focused on adapting your assessments and the second focused on adapting your teaching and learning activities.

Each institute is two days in length, during which instructors work through a series of modules on CourseLink to explore and develop their course plans and participate in synchronous Zoom sessions in both small and large groups to share ideas, ask questions, and discuss challenges. All synchronous sessions are optional but recommended. The total time commitment for each institute is approximately 4 hours each day: 1-2 hours per day will be done synchronously, and the remainder is dedicated to working individually on your course.

CRDI: Adapting your Assessments

Part of the transition to remote teaching is altering our assessments so that they continue to align with our learning outcomes, while also providing effective means for students to demonstrate their learning in a remote environment. This institute will guide you through the decision-making process and provide you with key questions and guidelines to help you embed assessment strategies that promote learning into your remote courses.

During this institute, you will:

  • Articulate what you want students to learn in your course and consider assignment types
  • Revise an assignment that best measures the knowledge and skills you most want your students to learn
  • Construct an assignment outline that includes clear instructions for students
  • Incorporate peer feedback in revisions to assignments


Coverpage of Assessment Booklet
Click the image above to download a PDF copy of the Adapting your Assessments Planning Guide.
CRDI: Assessment Institute Introduction and Orientation
This video above provides a brief overview of the Adapting your Assessments Planning Guide.



CRDI: Adapting your Teaching and Learning Activities

*Important Note:   To effectively participate in this institute, you must have already finalized your course learning outcomes and course assessments. We strongly recommend participating in the “CRDI: Adapting your Assessments” before engaging in this institute.

This institute will offer support and resources to guide you through exploring instructional strategies and learning activities in light of their potential for helping your students meet your course learning outcomes and succeed on course assessments. We will discuss effective strategies for sharing content, implementing both independent and collaborative active learning strategies, and planning the structure of your course.

During this institute, you will:

  • Explore a variety of teaching and learning activities commonly and effectively used in remote learning
  • Plan teaching and learning strategies for your course in light of their potential for helping your students meet your course learning outcomes
  • Plan the structure of your course to provide a clear, meaningful, and engaging learning pathway for your student


Coverpage of Assessment Booklet
Click the image above to download a PDF copy of the Adapting your Teaching and Learning Activities Guide.
CRDI: Teaching and Learning Activities Institute Introduction and Orientation
This video above provides a brief overview of the Adapting your Teaching and Learning Activities Guide.

CRDI: Planning Your Course Structure

After adapting your assessments and teaching and learning activities, the final step in the course redesign process for the remote environment is to plan your course structure. This planning guide provides guidance, templates, and sample course designs to plan and sequence your remote course.

Goals for the Planning Your Course Structure step:

  • Consider how course elements align to create a clear path for students' learning
  • Consider how learning outcomes, assessments, learning activities, and module structure fit together as a course plan
  • Draft your complete course schedule and weekly routine

Download the Planning the Structure of your Remote Course Planning Guide to get started!

Coverpage of Assessment Booklet
Click the image above to download a PDF copy of the Planning the Structure of your Remote Course Planning Guide.