Early Career Faculty Community of Practice

Banner about Early Career Faculty COP

Co-sponsored by the Office of Teaching and Learning and the Office of the Associate Vice-President Academic.

Program Description 

Early career faculty (ECF) play a critical role at the University of Guelph as they represent future leadership of the institution, make key contributions to innovative teaching practices, and add to our vibrant and collegial academic community. Building a resilient and future-ready institution relies on the success of ECF. When supported to reach their full potential, ECF transform our institution and our student experience. 

The ECF Community of Practice (CoP) is a cross-disciplinary, small group, relationship-rich experience intended to foster a supportive, enriching, and inclusive environment where early career faculty members can thrive as they engage in continuous learning around teaching. This program is designed to help ECF build a robust network, reflect on their teaching approaches and practices, and develop creativity and confidence to lead in teaching and scholarship. 

Program Goals 

The ECF CoP supports participants in developing as educators and educational leaders by: 

  1. Building networks and connections among ECF and other members of the UofG community

  2. Engaging in critically reflective teaching practices to develop a personalized teaching identity

  3. Advancing evidence-informed teaching practices and pedagogies that CoP members can use and adapt to suit their own teaching contexts

  4. Fostering connections with mid-career faculty

  5. Promoting wellbeing and belonging to improve morale, retention, and success

  6. Engaging with the scholarship of teaching and learning, if desired 

Program Structure 

The CoP will meet approximately monthly for 1.5 hours from September 2024 to June 2025 (9 meetings). Meetings will be offered in a hybrid or virtual delivery mode and be held either Wednesday mornings or Thursday afternoons (day of the week, exact dates and times to be finalized dependent on participant and facilitator availability). 

Each meeting will be facilitated by Educational Developers from the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) and invited guests. The CoP meetings will occur in a range of formats (e.g., formal workshops, readings and discussion, guest speakers). 

Some topics include: Becoming a reflective practitioner, teaching with technology and AI, course design and constructive alignment, inclusive pedagogies, and scholarly teaching.

Participation Requirements

Participants in the ECF CoP are required to: 

  • Complete assigned readings and actively participate in activities and discussion each meeting

  • Complete pre- and post-reflections that will include setting S.M.A.R.T. goals, exploring personal teaching philosophies, and responding to CoP content and approaches 

  • Be committed to fostering a supportive, enriching, and inclusive environment 

  • Attend the first meeting and attend at least 8 out of 9 of the meetings over the 10-month commitment* 

* OVC faculty members and veterinarians who will be engaged in clinical rotations or as a rotation coordinator during the CoP should contact Christie Stewart (cstew@uoguelph.ca) to discuss your potential participation. 

Participants will gain professional development and enrichment as university educators, and experience multiple opportunities to build community and connections among ECF, the OTL team, and other faculty members.  
Participants in the ECF CoP will receive recognition and acknowledgement of their engagement, including: 
  • A letter of completion, signed by the Associate Vice-President (Academic) and the Director of the Office of Teaching and Learning

  • Individual acknowledgement of completion of the program in OTL public communications (e.g., LinkedIn, OTL Teaching and Learning Digest)

We invite full-time, tenure-track faculty members, college professor/college research professors, veterinarians and teaching librarians at the University of Guelph, Guelph Humber or Ridgetown to apply to the ECF CoP.

We will be accepting 15-20 participants who are:  

  • Teaching a minimum of one course during their participation in the CoP 

  • Committed to continuous learning as educators 

  • Passionate about expanding their repertoire of teaching practices 

  • Interested in leveraging their learning to make positive change 

  • Eager to connect with faculty across disciplines and learn from others 

  • Open to sharing their experiences, goals, and challenges 

Applicants are not required to have extensive prior teaching experience.
We encourage all eligible individuals to apply! We welcome applications from those with a diversity of lived experience and those who teach within expansive ways of knowing. If you are unsure if you are eligible, please contact Christie Stewart (cstew@uoguelph.ca). 
Application components: 
  • A statement of approach to teaching (300 word maximum) 

    • Provide a short summary of your teaching practices, beliefs, philosophies, and/or values. This is intended to provide context to support the scored criteria elements.  

  • A statement of interest (300 word maximum) 

    • Provide a statement that articulates your motivation and goals for participating in the ECF CoP and how your participation in the CoP would further enable you to develop as an educator and contribute to the academic community. 

  • Goals and expectations (300 word maximum)

    • Provide a short statement demonstrating your goals and expectations of your participation in the ECF CoP. 

  • List your expected teaching and clinical assignments for the year and, if known, your teaching schedule for Fall 2024. 
As part of the application, you will be asked to confirm that you can meet the time and service commitment for this role.

How to Apply and Application Due Date

To be considered for participation in the ECF CoP, please submit your application using this Qualtrics Form.

Submit your Application here

Applications Due: August 16, 2024

The Qualtrics form provides text boxes for you to enter the text for each of the required components with the word limits noted above. 

If you have questions, need further information or accommodation for application submission, please contact Christie Stewart (cstew@uoguelph.ca).  

Review and Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee, including two Office of Teaching and Learning staff, the Associate Vice-Provost (Academic), and the AVP Indigenous Initiatives and/or the Associate Dean of Academic Equity and Anti-racism. The candidates will be selected for participation based on meeting the evaluation criteria and alignment with CoP goals. In the event of having too many eligible applicants, the selection committee will choose a diverse group representing a variety of disciplines, backgrounds and experiences, taking into consideration one’s progress as an ECF.  

Evaluation criteria 

Criteria score scale 
0 Not evident/absent 
1 The description provided does not meet expectations or is incomplete  
2 The description provided meets expectations
3 The description provided is excellently articulated, justified, and exceeds expectations 

Statement of Interest – 300 words maximum 

Criteria Description  Criteria Score  
Motivation and goals  Stated motivation for participating and goals for learning are aligned with the priorities and objectives of the CoP. -
Commitment to active participation   There is evidence of commitment to engage fully in the CoP in addition to the required attendance. -
Contribution to academic community  There is clear articulation of how participation in the CoP would further enable the applicant to contribute to the academic community.  -

Goals and Expectations – 300 words maximum 

Criteria Description  Criteria Score  
Alignment with program goals  There is clear and direct alignment with the goals of the CoP, as set out in the call for applications.  -
Expectations  Expectations identified are feasible given the scope of the CoP.  -


You will be required to attest to or indicate the following in the Qualtrics application survey. 
Criteria Description  Yes/No  
Identifies as early career faculty   I am a full-time, tenure-track faculty member, veterinarian or teaching librarian at the University of Guelph  -
Teaching responsibilities  I am teaching a minimum of one course from September 2024 - June 2025  -
Commitment to attendance & participation  

I am committed to attending* and actively engaging in a minimum of 8 out of 9 meetings, including the specific activities noted in the participation requirements. The first meeting is a required meeting.

*OVC faculty members who will be engaged in veterinarian clinical rotations or as a rotation coordinator during the CoP, please contact the facilitators to discuss your potential participation. 

Commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment  I am committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment in the CoP  -
Commitment to knowledge mobilization or application  I am committed to actively applying the knowledge and skills developed in the CoP to my teaching practice (e.g. apply techniques in the classroom, engage in SoTL, reflect on and revise my teaching philosophy, etc.)  -