Teaching in the Context of AI

Teaching in the Context of AI

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) brings real impacts to teaching and learning. To help instructors navigate this quickly changing technological landscape, the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) has created provisional recommendations, resources, and a tool to help instructors determine appropriate, responsible, and allowable uses of generative AI for their courses’ assessments.  

Please contact the Office of Teaching & Learning to seek pedagogical support or offer input on these resources. 

Quickly adapting to offer support to instructors has involved lively, ongoing conversations within OTL and across UofG, along with educational developers and pedagogical leaders from other post-secondary institutions. We wish to recognize and offer gratitude for the community of people who offer fantastic support, consultation, and meaningful feedback that shapes the content of these pages. 

In particular, we’d like to thank McMaster University's MacPherson Institute for leading the way with provisional guidelines that we adapted for our UofG community, and the 25 UofG reviewers who expediently offered input to refine OTL’s provisional recommendations. Ongoing dialogues aim to better understand generative AI in teaching and learning at our university.  

Also, the title of this resource was directly inspired by the University of Alberta's excellent resource, "Teaching in the Context of AI." We feel that this title best positions how educators reflect on and adapt their practices in relation to other forces in our world, in this case technology. Their resource, along with others, can be found on our Annotated Resources page below. 

Contact Us


E-mail the Office of Teaching and Learning (otl@uoguelph.ca) with any questions related to your teaching and learning needs.