UNIV*6800 - University Teaching: Theory and Practice (UTTP)

UTTP Banner

Calendar Description

This course focuses on the relationship between pedagogical theory and instructional practice. The course addresses two major teaching and learning competencies; firstly, it introduces learners to the foundational theory in pedagogy and explores recent disciplinary theory that informs instructional practice. Secondly, the course provides an opportunity for learners to develop and deliver a micro-teaching lesson, develop the fundamental skills of providing peer feedback, and develop approaches to becoming reflective instructional practitioners.

Course Description

University Theory and Teaching Practice (UTTP) is a graduate course focusing on the relationship between pedagogical theory and instructional practice. The course strives for two major competencies; firstly, it introduces participants to the foundational theory in pedagogy and explores recent disciplinary pedagogical theory that informs our instructional practice.  Secondly, the course provides an opportunity for participants to develop and deliver a micro-teaching lesson, develop the fundamental skills of providing peer evaluation, and develop their approach to becoming reflective instructional practitioners. 

Learning Outcome

Upon successful completion of this course participants should be able to:

  1. Critically reflect on pedagogies and principles of learner centeredness, universal design, inclusivity, active learning, lesson planning, feedback and research on learning science and motivation 
  2. Create a lesson plan using the BOPPPS model as a framework
  3. Deliver two micro-teaching lessons
  4. Participate in peer observation and evaluation exercises as both a provider of feedback and as a reflective practitioner using feedback
  5. Critically evaluate relevant scholarship (SoTL), in relation to teaching practice, student learning, motivation, and assessment

Course Date and Time

For Winter 2025, the scheduled course time is Tuesdays 8:30 AM - 11:20 AM. This course is fully online.

Previous Course Offering Outlines

Please see below for previous UTTP course outlines:

Contact Us


E-mail the Office of Teaching and Learning (otl@uoguelph.ca) with any questions related to your teaching and learning needs.