UNIV*6800 - University Teaching: Theory and Practice (UTTP)

UTTP Banner

Calendar Description
Participants will critically examine aspects of teaching in higher education and develop teaching skills such as lecturing, demonstrating, leading discussions, and problem solving. Satisfactory (SAT) or unsatisfactory (UNS) will be used to evaluate the student’s performance in this course.

Course Description
University Theory and Teaching Practice (UTTP) is a graduate course that focuses on the relationship between pedagogical theory and instructional practice. The course strives two major competencies; firstly, it introduces participants to the foundational theory in pedagogy and explores recent disciplinary-pedagogical theory that informs our instructional practice.  Secondly, the course provides an opportunity for participants to develop and deliver a micro-teaching lesson, to develop the fundamental skills of providing peer-evaluation and develop their approach to becoming a reflective instructional practitioner. 

Intended Course Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course participants should be able to:

1.    Utilize universal design and inclusive principles, active learning and research on learning science and motivation to develop a lesson plan 
2.    Apply the principles of learner centredness to evaluate a course syllabus 
3.    Deliver two micro-teaching lessons and apply feedback to develop a continuous improvement approach to instruction 
4.    Participate in peer observation and evaluation exercises as both a provider of feedback and as a reflective practitioner using feedback
5.    Critically evaluate relevant scholarship (SoTL), and discuss evidence in relation to teaching practice, student learning, motivation, assessment, and remote learning
6.    Write a clear language synopsis (i.e., a SoTL Snapshot) of a disciplinary-based pedagogy study

Course Date and Time
For winter 2024, the scheduled course time is Tuesdays 8:30 AM -11:20 AM. This course is fully online.

Previous Course Offering Outlines
Please see below for previous UTTP course outlines:

File attachments

PDF icon UNIV 6800 UTTP Winter 2022.pdf279.02 KB