Whether you are designing a new course or redesigning an existing face-to-face course for the remote environment, the information and resources below will help you to plan and adapt your courses for remote teaching.
Whether you are designing a new course or redesigning an existing face-to-face course for the remote environment, the information and resources below will help you to plan and adapt your courses for remote teaching.
Part of the transition to remote teaching is altering our assessments so that they continue to align with our learning outcomes, while also providing effective means for students to demonstrate their learning in a remote environment. This planning guide will guide you through the decision-making process and provide you with key questions and guidelines to help you embed assessment strategies that promote learning into your remote courses.
In this guide, you will:
This planning guide offers support and resources to guide you through exploring instructional strategies and learning activities in light of their potential for helping your students meet your course learning outcomes and succeed on course assessments. The guide includes effective strategies for sharing content, implementing both independent and collaborative active learning strategies, and planning the structure of your course.
In this guide, you will:
After adapting your assessments and teaching and learning activities, the final step in the course redesign process for the remote environment is to plan your course structure. This planning guide provides guidance, templates, and sample course designs to plan and sequence your remote course.
In this guide, you will: