Coordinating, Managing, and Empowering TAs in Large Enrollment Courses: CEPS

Date and Time


Coordinating, Managing, and Empowering TAs in Large Enrollment Courses: CEPS

Date: Monday, August 19, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Facilitators: Dr. Aron Fazekas (Office of Teaching and Learning) & Dr. Justine Tishinsky (College of Biological Sciences)

Description: Teaching Assistants are essential to student engagement and success, especially in large courses. This workshop focuses on optimizing TA performance to enhance the student experience and streamline instructor responsibilities to help reduce and support a more balanced workload. Topics include TA hour allocation, effective communication, grade normalization, and more. Join us to explore strategies for empowering your TAs and ensuring a productive, supportive learning environment.

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