Unified Learning Model Journal Club

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Graduate students from across campus are invited to an intellectually stimulating Journal Club where we’ll discuss research in teaching and learning. This Journal Club is part of an assignment in the Graduate course; UNIV*6800 University Teaching: Theory and Practice (UTTP), and is facilitated by a student in this course. It is an excellent opportunity to learn and discuss important ideas in a collaborative learning environment. Please feel free to send this along to other graduate students you think would be interested. 

Unified Learning Model Journal Club

Date: Tuesday, March 04, 2025 | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Facilitators: Kira Cheer (MSc candidate, Department of Animal Biosciences)

Description: For this Journal Club session, we will discuss the “in-silico application of the Unified Learning Model (ULM).” ULM is a theoretical framework that integrates findings from cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and education research to explain how learning occurs. Join Kira Cheer and be a part of the conversation that will help shape your pedagogical approaches and outlooks, daily practices, future teaching, and research.

Article: Chiriacescu, V., Soh, L.-K., & Shell, D. F. (2013). Understanding human learning using a multi-agent simulation of the Unified Learning Model. International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence, 7(4), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijcini.2013100101


  • Cognitive modelling
  • Computational simulation
  • Human learning
  • Multi-agent
  • Unified Learning Model (ULM)


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