Welcome to the Office of Teaching and Learning

Welcome from the Associate Vice-President (Academic)

A photograph of Byron SheldrickAs Associate Vice President Academic I want to welcome you to the Office of Teaching and Learning. Teaching and Learning is central to the mission of the University of Guelph. Our aspiration is always to be at the very forefront of innovative teaching methods, providing the best possible learning environment for our students. That means being critical and thoughtful about how we teach, how our students learn, and how we can learn from each other. The Office of Teaching and Learning provides support for innovative research and the scholarship of teaching and learning, but also supports a wide array of projects that explore innovative approaches to teaching and learning. It sponsors workshops, and conferences that allow instructors to explore new modes of teaching and learning, new course delivery formats, and provides support for individuals looking to further enhance and develop their teaching practice.
I encourage you to explore the OTL website and get in touch if you feel we can be of assistance.

Byron Sheldrick,

Associate Vice-President (Academic)