Janet Wolstenholme

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Image of Janet Wolstenholme
Educational Developer
Phone number: 
519-824-4120 x58084
Day Hall 208
Current Areas of Focus: 
• Graduate student development • Creativity in assessment, course design, teaching • Teaching documentation and other forms of professional and skill development

Janet Wolstenholme is an Educational Developer with the Office of Teaching and Learning. She has a background in Art, holding a diploma from OCAD University (from the days when it was just OCA) and an undergraduate degree with a double major in Art and Sociology (Guelph). Janet's Masters degree is in Sociology where she investigated “women entrepreneurs.” She is currently completing her PhD in the realm of education and course evaluations at York University.

Janet still revels in art with first year students as she teaches a course called What is Art in the 21st Century? in the First Year Seminar Program. Her work in the Office of Teaching and Learning involves creativity, assessment, course design, alignment, teaching philosophy statements and of course, SETs (student evaluations of teaching).