Michelle Majeed

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Image of Michelle Majeed
Educational Developer
Current Areas of Focus: 
Curriculum review and development • Learning outcomes development and assessment • Faculty programming and development • Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) • Student & faculty wellbeing • Decolonization of educational practices and approaches

Michelle Majeed (she/her) is an Educational Developer in the Office of Teaching and Learning. Her work focuses on curriculum review and development, primarily supporting the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) at the University of Guelph.

Prior to joing the University of Guelph, Michelle held educational development roles, including work as an Instructional Designer, at the University of Toronto, University of Michigan, Humber College, Durham College, and OCAD University. In these roles Michelle led and developed programs and resources that supported institution-wide EDI initiatives, decolonization, and supported Teaching Assistants in their professional development.

Michelle has over twelve years of experience as a sessional lecturer at the University of Toronto (Human Geography, Health Studies, Equity Studies), Lakehead University (Health & Behavioural Sciences, Sociology), and Durham College (Sociology, Health).

As an active, interdisciplinary, and collaborative researcher, Michelle’s SoTL research interests include the well-being of students and instructors, place-based teaching and learning, and the ongoing decolonization of learning spaces.

Michelle holds a Ph.D in Geography & Planning from the University of Toronto, with a specialization in Ethnic, Immigration, and Pluralism Studies. She also holds a MA in Migration Studies from the University of Sussex, and a Hons BA from the University of Toronto.

Selected Publications

Majeed, Michelle D. 2023. ‘Placing’ Instructional Design: What a critical health geography approach can add to the field. in Kohler, M and Gamrat,C. (eds).The Multidisciplinary Instructional Designer. Routledge Publishers, New York. In Press.

Wang, P., Majeed, M., Holmes, N. 2022. Arriving at Indigenous Knowledges: Decolonial Approaches for English Language Learners. Open Educational Resource (OER). eCampus Ontario.  https://vlslibrary.ecampusontario.ca/item-details/#/3714e38e-c48c-48a6-8b21-acbe1ec9c043?k=decolonizing%20ell&itemTypes=6&itemTypes=12&sortCol=2&increasePopularSearch=true&collections=CVLP%20Collection&collections=VLS%20Collection

Majeed, Michelle D. 2020. "Life Happens, Have Compassion: An argument for the development of reciprocal compassion between students and precariously employed faculty in higher education,” in Gagne, A. (ed). The Canadian Precariat: Part-Time Faculty and the Higher Education System. Universitas Press, Montreal.

Pigeon, J., Leroux, B., Majeed, M. 2019. Indigenous Histories & Reconciliation. Online Learning Modules. Durham College. https://durhamcollege.ca/info-for/indigenous-students/information-and-resources/indigenous-histories-and-reconciliatin

Majeed, Michelle D. 2014. "Office Hours as Teachable Moments: Structuring Student-Instructor Interactions Outside the Classroom," Teaching Innovation Projects: Vol. 4: Iss. 2, Article 2.