Putting Name to Face: Ann Marie Beal

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Image of Ann Marie Beal

Ann Marie Beal is a Two-Spirit Indigenous-Black L’nuwey—a mixed-blood African Nova Scotian and First Nation Mi’kmaq from Mi’kma’ki territory. She is a professor in the Community Psychology program at Wilfrid Laurier University. 

As a Two-Spirit L’nuk, Ann Marie’s ongoing research focuses on Afro-Indigenous identity and relationships within the settler nation-state known as Canada. Her work emphasizes a reversal of the colonial gaze, critically assessing imperialism, colonialism, racism, patriarchy, and capitalism, and examining how these systems affect the intersectional identities and lives of Afro-Indigenous peoples and communities. 

Central to her research program are education and curriculum development, alongside investigations into gendered violence and sex work, highlighting the complex realities faced by marginalized populations. 

Interview with Ann Marie Beal

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