Guided Group Discussion on What is SoTL?

Date and Time


McLaughlin Library during the Faculty Writing Retreat


Guided Group Discussion on What is SoTL?

Facilitators: Aron Fazekas, Office of Teaching and Learning

Brief Description: The Office of Teaching and Learning, in partnership with the McLaughlin Library Faculty Writing Retreat, is offering dedicated support for faculty, staff, and post-doctoral scholars curious about or new to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). A guided group discussion on “What is SoTL?” will explore key concepts, benefits, and practical steps for getting started. (Faculty Writing Retreat registration and attendance required.) 

Learning outcomes: By participating, attendees will: 

  • Differentiate between SoTL, scholarly teaching, and discipline-based educational research by identifying key characteristics and defining features of each. 

  • Explore resources, networks, and collaborative opportunities to engage in SoTL. 

Follow this link to register for the Faculty Writing Retreat

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