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September 2024

Rethinking Assessments in the Context of AI

Description: Join us for a workshop focused on rethinking assessments in the context of GenAI. In this session, attendees will be encouraged to run their current assessments through relevant GenAI tools to understand their capabilities. We will explore small changes to assignments that can encourage the appropriate use of AI and will share their current thinking about modifying their course assessments, with space to share the questions they still have, decisions they are still making, and the potential challenges they anticipate with their assessments.

Designing and Grading Exams

Description: In this workshop, we’ll discuss strategies for designing effective exams that can assess students’ knowledge and skills at a variety of levels and in different formats, as well as strategies and tools for fair, efficient, and valuable grading and feedback. Participants will learn how to create exams that accurately assess student learning, promote critical thinking, and align with course learning outcomes. We will also discuss effective grading practices, including the use of rubrics, checklists, or scoring guides.