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There will not be an OTL Book Club for the Winter 2024 term

But don’t fret, the OTL Book Club will be back! Keep your eye out in our newsletter, the OTL Teaching and Learning Digest, or on our webpage for any announcements for upcoming Book Clubs. And don’t forget, you can always use our OTL Book Club Discussion Guides to reflect independently, in a buddy read or to facilitate your own book club and cultivate a community of self-reflective and inspired educators.

If you know of any insightful teaching and learning reads, feel free to use this short Google Form to add your favourites to our growing list that we use to select our books. If you are looking for suggestions of what to read before book club resumes, we are looking forward to reading Unraveling Faculty Burnout: Pathways to Reckoning and Renewal (Pope-Ruark, 2022) and Undoing the Grade: Why We Grade and How to Stop (Stommel, 2023). 

Hope to see you at our next OTL Book Club.