LEF Award Summary 2023-2024
Developing online community-engaged Indigenous Cultural Safety Training for veterinary trainees
Lauren Van Patter (OVC) | Lynn Henderson (OVC) | Angela Mashford-Pringle (Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health, University of Toronto) - $37,904

The Community Healthcare Partnership Program (CHPP) works to improve access to animal healthcare in communities that have traditionally been underserved by veterinary medicine. This includes Community Health rotations in five partnering First Nations (Sagamok Anishnawbek Nation, Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, Oneida Nation of the Thames, Aroland First Nation, and Walpole Island First Nation), where Phase IV students deliver wellness and spay/neuter services. Prior to visiting communities, it is imperative that students learn about Indigenous histories and cultural protocols, and undertake reflexive work around their own positionality and responsibilities. We will collaboratively develop online Indigenous Cultural Safety Training modules, with content guided by Elders and Knowledge Holders in partnering Nations. Training will enhance the following key skills: culturally safe communication; effective allyship and partnering; & true and authentic community engagement. We will assess Learning Outcomes through pre- and post-module self-assessments, and 360-degree evaluations by instructors and community liaisons.
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