Tool for Determining Allowable Uses of AI

Teaching in the Context of AI

The Office of Teaching and Learning and McLaughlin Library’s Writing Services co-created a tool to help instructors determine what uses of generative artificial intelligence (AI) that they would allow in their courses, specifically with writing assignments. The tool includes: 

  • encouragement to communicate with your students about generative AI and build AI literacy 
  • guidance on defining skills-based learning outcomes 

  • an editable checklist that instructors can use to clearly define allowable and non-allowable uses of generative AI for specific assessments or in their course outline 

The tool is in a downloadable document form here via the Library’s Digital Learning Commons.

From this tool focusing on writing assignments, OTL seeks to expand a collection of tools to determine allowable uses of AI for different types of assessments. If you have ideas for your discipline or assessment type, please contact us at to discuss creating an additional tool that can be shared here. 

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