Faculty Perspectives on Inclusive Teaching

Faculty Perspectives on Inclusive Teaching

What is this Research About?

Faculty members play a critical role in the educational experience of all students in higher education, but they are particularly important for students with disabilities who may experience greater obstacles in academia. While most of the research has focused on the barriers that students with disabilities experience, this project explores the ways that faculty members provide equal learning opportunities for all students, also known as inclusive pedagogy. The purpose of this study was to understand what faculty engaging in inclusive pedagogy do, and how and why they do it.

What did the Researchers Do?

Researchers recruited participants in collaboration with Disability Support Service across 10 Spanish universities, where students were asked to identify faculty members that stood out for their inclusive classroom practices. A total of 119 faculty members agreed to be participants in the study. Researchers carried out semi-structured interviews with participants and engaged in classroom observation. Interview questions sought to understand participants’ perspectives on student learning, lesson planning, and student motivation. Researchers analyzed data qualitatively, transcribing interviews and coding excerpts for meaning.

What did the Researchers Find?

Findings indicated three main teaching components at the crux of inclusive pedagogy: faculty beliefs, course design, and action. Participants indicated that faculty members must believe in their students’ capabilities to foster an inclusive classroom. They noted that by maintaining high expectations, students are more likely to see their potential and feel encouraged to succeed. Participants also emphasized the value of preparation and planning in curriculum delivery as central to their practice. Lastly, participants believed that learning should be an active and student-centered process conducted in a safe environment where students feel supported.

→ How to Implement this Research in Your Classroom

The purpose of this study was to explore how faculty members implement inclusive pedagogy in higher education. Researchers conducted interviews and engaged in observation methods with participants. Participants shared the importance of believing in students’ success, meticulously planning course design, and engaging students through active learning opportunities. Participants also emphasized the emotional and affective components of inclusive practice. Faculty are encouraged to focus on maintaining positive student-teacher relationships and engaging students in their learning process through listening to their learning needs and wants as vital elements for inclusive teaching.

→  Citation

Moriña, A. (2022). Faculty members who engage in inclusive pedagogy: Methodological and affective strategies for teaching. Teaching in Higher Education, 27(3), 371–386. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2020.1724938

→  Keywords

  • Inclusive Pedagogy
  • Faculty beliefs and attitudes
  • Higher Education

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Snapshot Writer: Steph Martin

Snapshot Publication Date: 2023

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