Teaching and Learning Committees and Groups

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The information below summarizes the teaching and learning-related committees and groups at UofG, UG-H and Ridgetown Campuses. It is current as of June 2023. If you would like to update or add to this inventory of teaching and learning initiatives and activities, please complete this Qualtrics form or contact your College, Campus or Unit representative listed on this page. You are encouraged to contact your College, Campus or Unit representative for any clarification around what initiatives or activities are appropriate to add. 

For information regarding the specific department or group offering the opportunities listed below, please see the PDF linked at the bottom of this page.

Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
COESP: CBS Office of Educational Scholarship and Practice. Supports and promotes evidence-based practice, outcomes development and assessment, Biology higher education research Ongoing Restricted to CBS + OTL representative Kerry Ritchie
CCCC: Council of Curriculum Chairs + COESP, Curriculum chairs for all Programs + ADA + COESP director meet regularly Includes BioMed Heather Pollock
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Physical Science and Engineering Education Research (PSEER): A community of practice Currently paused Restricted cepsada@uoguelph.ca
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
The Hub for Teaching & Learning Excellence: A community of practitioners who share information, teaching and learning experiences, and resources. The Hub fosters best practices in curriculum development and pedagogy throughout undergraduate and graduate programming in the College   Meets approximately 5-6 times per year. Additional meetings are convened to adjudicate awards etc.  Restricted to CSAHS faculty and students in the College + OTL representative csahstle@uoguelph.ca
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Teaching and Learning Advisory Board Ongoing Restricted to Lang faculty and staff Jackie Hamilton
Assurance of Learning Committee
Bachelor of Commerce Program Committee (BCPC) John Walsh 
Lang Graduate Programs Committee Sean Lyons
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Library Teaching and Learning Committee; Focused on Library Teaching & Learning activities/projects Ongoing Restricted to Library faculty and staff Melanie Parlette-Stewart and Ali Versluis
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
OVC Curriculum Subcommittee: Ensures that the curriculum of the OVC meets international standards for accreditation by the American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education. Work closely with OTL to analyze and act on student feedback, to assess outcomes, and to ensure that the curriculum meets current societal needs. Ongoing Are members from other Colleges N/A
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Teaching and Learning Network Ongoing Self-nominations and selection, from each College, Campus, OpenEd, CSA,GSA, OTL, Library otl@uoguelph.ca
Teaching and Learning Innovations Conference Committee Annually, ongoing Restricted or open depending on conference needs
LEF Award Selection Committee Annually Restricted to invited members
AVPA SoTL Grant Selection Committee Annually Restricted to invited members
Univesrity Teaching Leadership Fellows - Faculty Learning Community Ongoing Restricted to those awarded a Teaching Leadership Fellow Award
University Teaching Leadership Fellows Award Selection Committee Every 3 years Restricted to invited members

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