UofG Teaching and Learning Initiatives and Activities Inventory

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    Homepage           Initiatives & Activities Inventory           TLN Year 2 Report – 2024

One of the first activities the TLN engaged in was to capture a complete inventory of key teaching, learning and educational leadership initiatives and activities across represented units that are currently underway or planned for 2023. The TLN members were asked to reach out to their respective Colleges, Campuses and Units to request the help of those involved in teaching and learning activities to complete the collection of this key information. Many folks across campus contributed to providing information to create this inventory. Thank you to all who participated! 

The purpose of this activity was to: 

  • Collect, capture, share and bring awareness to key teaching and learning initiatives and activities happening across all Colleges, Campuses and Units
  • Gain a better understanding of current and planned teaching and learning initiatives and activities
  • Identify and provide opportunities for collaborations and synergies
  • Identify gaps where the Network might consider filling, supporting, or amplifying
  • Provide potential starting points for Network activities  

These purposes align with the overall goals and purposes of the TLN.

As part of a foundational activity, the TLN will update this information annually. The inventory spans the timeframe of July 2023 to July 2024. If you would like to update or add to this inventory of teaching and learning initiatives and activities, please complete this Qualtrics form or contact your College, Campus or Unit representative listed on this page

Note: The cross-campus inventory of T&L initiatives and activities does not currently include the College of Arts. Efforts are being made to collect this information as soon as possible.

If you would like to view the entire inventory sorted by College/Campus/Unit, please see the PDF linked at the bottom of this page.


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