Teaching and Learning Courses, Certificates, Modules, Programs and Training (includes Graduate student skills/knowledge related to T&L)

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The information below summarizes the teaching and learning-related courses, certificates, modules, programs and training (including graduate student) at UofG, UG-H and Ridgetown Campuses. It is current as of June 2023. If you would like to update or add to this inventory of teaching and learning initiatives and activities, please complete this Qualtrics form or contact your College, Campus or Unit representative listed on this page. You are encouraged to contact your College, Campus or Unit representative for any clarification around what initiatives or activities are appropriate to add. 

For information regarding the specific department or group offering the opportunities listed below, please see the PDF linked at the bottom of this page.

Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Grad student training day: focused on TA training; for new and experienced TAs 1st offering to happen late Aug/early Sept. 2024 Restricted to CBS
Others TBD
Virginia Capmourteres
IBIO*6070: Advances in Integrative Biology (Education Practicum) Grad level Teaching theory + practicum course run out of a flexible course code  Typically, summer semester  Restricted to CBS Shoshanah Jacobs 
HK*4510/1/2: Teaching Learning and Knowledge Transfer. A 4th year research project course well suited to SoTL projects  Every semester  Flexible – open to undergrad students with 12.0 credits, if they secure an HHNS advisor Bill Bettger
MSc by Coursework. A 3 or 4 semester program, easily adapted to SoTL projects (no minimum stipend) Ongoing Restricted/specific to HHNS
MSc Thesis, PhD.  Traditional programs have been completed by SoTL projects  Restricted to CBS. Many examples in HHNS and IB. Fewer examples in MCB Kerry Ritchie
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Instructional Skills Workshop Usually offered annually in May Prioritizes Lang Instructors. If room, people from other units and colleges could join Jackie Hamilton
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Instructional Skills Workshop for Library Staff Offered as needed  Prioritizes Library staff Melanie Parlette-Stewart
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Web Conferencing Classroom Orientations & Practice Sessions Ongoing: Sessions booked by appointment throughout each semester Open to all UofG instructors who are teaching in web conferencing classrooms insttech@uoguelph.ca
Semesterly EdTech Programming/Instructor Training Webinar and workshop sessions relating to various supported educational technologies (New programming currently in planning for S23) Varied access. Sessions vary by semester, separate registration. Sessions are recorded and made available to all UofG/UGH accounts.
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Animal Care – training and assessment of proficiency with animal care, primarily grad students, faculty each once and undergrads for research projects / summer URA/USRA Ongoing Open to all (required of any researcher using animals) acs@uoguelph.ca
Animal Care – training and assessment of proficiency with animal care, primarily grad students, faculty each once and undergrads for research projects / summer URA/USRA Restricted to ABSc students Robert Jones and Andy Robinson
Peer mentoring for grad students – senior grad students paired with new, incoming grad students Fall 2023 and beyond Restricted to SES students only sesadmin@uoguelph.ca
Grad Student Individual Development Plan – reflective process for developing and implementing self-growth skills Ongoing, expanding to all grad degrees offered through SES
TA development training – training for grad students who are interested in developing TA skills Fall 2023
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
OVC Community of Teachers N/A Restricted to OVC Faculty and Staff N/A
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
University Teaching: Theory and Practice Course (UTTP) Annually, Winter semester Open to all otl@uoguelph.ca
Foundations Paused Restricted to Graduate students, all disciplines
Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) As requested Open to all
Course Re-design Institute As needed Open to all
Graduate Student University Teaching Day/s (GSUTD) Annually, August Restricted to Graduate students, all disciplines
EnLITE Pasued Resctricted to faculty and instructors, all disciplines
OTL Book Club 2-3 times a year Restricted to faculty, staff, instructors (including sessionals and TAs)
Inclusive Teaching Community of Practice Paused Open to all
Cyclical Program Review As needed Restricted to those engaging in the CPR process
University Teaching Leadership Fellow Learning Community Ongoing - 3-year cohorts Restricted to Faculty and Librarians
Facilitators Development Workshop (FDW) As needed Restricted to those who have completed ISW and experienced running ISWs
Inquire Ongoing, every other year Restricted to Faculty, staff, instructors in all disciplines
Peer Observation of Teaching As requested Open to all