Teaching and Learning Static Resources (e.g., webpages, handouts, newsletters)

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The information below summarizes the teaching and learning static resources at UofG, UG-H and Ridgetown Campuses. It is current as of June 2023. If you would like to update or add to this inventory of teaching and learning initiatives and activities, please complete this Qualtrics form or contact your College, Campus or Unit representative listed on this page. You are encouraged to contact your College, Campus or Unit representative for any clarification around what initiatives or activities are appropriate to add. 

For information regarding the specific department or group offering the opportunities listed below, please see the PDF linked at the bottom of this page.

Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Faculty & teaching staff handbook Ongoing Open to all John Dawson
Sessional instructor handbook
PORT (Peer Observation & Reflection on Teaching) Restricted to CBS Jason McAllister
Guide to Teaching dossiers (Draft) Open to all John Dawson
BioEd at Guelph Undergrad Blog! BioEd at Guelph
Department Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
School of Engineering Instructor’s handbook with links to promising practices Ongoing Open to all  SOE Associate Director Undergraduate
GTA handbook with links to promising practices
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
AI in Education Newsletter- First issue will be released after Reading Week and second issue in mid- to late January First issue will be released after Reading Week and second issue in mid- to late January Open to all  Matthew LaGrone
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Teaching and Learning website. Note website is under review to be updated and will be transitioned to Sharepoint in the next year Ongoing Open to all  Jackie Hamilton
Instructional Resources Teams site Restricted access
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Conduct Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research (Guide) Ongoing Open to all guides@uoguelph.ca 
Instructor Assignment Toolkits (Guides)
Digital Learning Commons (OER repository) library@uoguelph.ca 
OER Support: OER repository of online learning objects for academic support created by library staff  
Department Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
Animal Biosciences Courselink “community” site for sharing T&L activities and resources, SoTL etc Ongoing Restricted to OAC  andyr@uoguelph.ca
Ad hoc Resources for T & L Challenges – teaching resources sent by email geared towards faculty around the mechanics of using Courselink, teaching courses, submitting grades, using classroom tech etc.
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
OpenEd Toolbox and Support Page Custom Tool rather than programming or service. Allows for extended functionality of the LMS/self service. Open to all instructors and TAs using CourseLink courselink@uoguelph.ca or insttech@uoguelph.ca
Blended Learning: A Guide for Higher Ed Instructors (Online Module) To be released in 2023 Open to all in an instructional role at Guelph. Natalie Green
An Overview of Competency-Based Learning for Higher Ed Instructors (Online Module)
Creating Competency-Based Learning: A Guide for Higher Ed Instructors
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
“Learn Vet Learn” Team - Teams-based Learning hub for OVC students N/A Restricted to DVM students Janet Beeler-Marfisi
“OVC Power Podcasts” LEF Grant Awardee: Ontario Veterinary College Primary Healthcare Center (OVC PHC) to create, develop, host, produce, and share veterinary clinical podcasts to help support primary care veterinary education via an accessible and inclusive learning technology Ongoing Open to all, directed at primary care veterinarians and students Tiffany Durzi
Brief Description Timing Restricted or Open Contact
A breadth of static resources for instructors: guidebooks, information sheets, summaries of SoTL, newsletters, guided handouts. Topics include: new faculty resources, classroom management, course delivery modes, remote teaching, assessments, academic integrity, hybrid/blended teaching, authentic assessment, generative AI, course design, gathering and using student feedback, reflection and documenting etc.  Ongoing Open to all  otl@uoguelph.ca
A breadth of static resources for graduate student TAs including: lesson planning, inclusivity, assessment, reflection, teaching strategies