Flipping a class with Learning Science Can Increase Students' Mindsets, Course Learning and Quantitative Thinking
Flipping a Class with Learning Science Can Increase Students' Mindsets, Course Learning and Quantitative Thinking
What is this Research About?
What did the Researchers Do?
What did the Researchers Find?
→ How to Implement this Research in Your Classroom
Creating a Practicing-Connections (PC) flipped classroom involves more than simply switching the lecture and homework components of the course. In this study, the researchers found that students in a PC flipped classroom performed better on some course exams, increased their growth mindset, and improved their quantitative reasoning skills. The main goal of the PC Hypothesis is to guide students to make connections between course concepts and connect course concepts to various situations and contexts. To effectively accomplish this goal, instructors should include the following three learning opportunities in their flipped classroom:
- Clearly connect course concepts.
- Encourage students to make connections on their own by adding course concepts in sequence as opposed to in isolation.
- Encourage students to practice making connections that increase in difficulty and vary in situation or context to promote improvement as opposed to automation.
→ Citation
Lawson, A. P., Davis, C. R., & Son, J. Y. (2019). Not all flipped classes are the same: Using learning science to design flipped classrooms. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(5), 77-104. doi:10.14434/josotl.v19i5.25856
→ Keywords
- Flipped classroom
- Active learning
- Learning theory
- Instructional design
- Transfer
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Canada License
Snapshot Writer: Madison Wright
Snapshot Publication Date: 2021
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