Self-Study Program Based on the Physical Training of Athletes Can Improve Student Learning
Self-Study Program Based on the Physical Training of Athletes Can Improve Student Learning
What is this Research About?
What did the Researchers Do?
What did the Researchers Find?
→ How to Implement this Research in Your Classroom
Encouraging students to study on more than one occasion as opposed to massed studying (or ‘cramming’) has been shown to improve learning. A study program based on the physical training of athletes, which includes a warm-up, study sets and repetitions, and a cooldown, is an effective strategy for improved retention, well-being, and time management skills. Instructors seeking to provide this study program to students could encourage students to follow the program steps when studying (I.e., include a warm-up, batch studying and include repetition, and include a cooldown). Instructors should emphasize the ability to customize the program based on individual student needs.
→ Citation
San Miguel, S., Robertson, M., & McDavid, L. (2022). Using strategies from physical training of athletes to develop self-study programs for veterinary medical students. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 49(3), https:
→ Keywords
- Study Programs
- Self-care
- Learning strategies
- Mentoring
- Teaching tip
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Canada License
Snapshot Writer: Valeria Telles
Snapshot Publication Date: 2022
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