SoTL Snapshots: Digital Pedagogy

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Digital Pedagogy Return to Snapshot Homepage 

These Snapshots describe teaching, learning, and assessment techniques that incorporate & integrate technology:

 "Using Collaborative Note-Taking to Promote an Inclusive Learning Environment"

Many students use laptops to independently take notes which can lead to low class-engagement and unhelpful or inaccurate notes...

In remote classes, invigilated exams are not always possible. Academic dishonesty in remote classes has become a widespread...

In post-secondary learning environments, many instructors incorporate personal response systems to increase class interaction...

Online tutorials can present challenges for students and instructors including keeping students engaged and presenting...

Large lecture courses have hundreds of students with diverse learning preferences. Instructors can follow the three Universal...

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some instructors converted their traditionally in-person supervised exams to open-book online...

Online asynchronous discussions are used in both online and in-person courses. Research has shown that asynchronous online...

Researchers have long been concerned with academic integrity and misconduct. Research indicates that students cheat because...

The article analyzes a case study in which a university instructor focused on including concepts of Universal Design while planning...

This study compared the use of the online course design elements with the skills and strategies deemed important by the students...

Large undergraduate courses, specifically first-year courses, run into challenges such as engagement and self-directed learning...

Considerations for Using Digital Badges to Increase Motivation for Students to Acquire New Skills

Digital badges (or microcredentials) can document a student’s new skillset...

Using Technology-Nested Instructional Strategies to Enhance Student Learning

Maintaining a high level of focus in the classroom can be difficult, especially during....

Engaging Undergraduate Biology Students with Local Biodiversity Through a Free Online Website

Most university courses moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic.......

Game-based learning is a form of active learning that involves engaging students in gameplay related to defined learning outcomes.

The Implementation of Podcast-based Assignments Can Enhance Students Scientific Communication Skills

Science students need to learn science communication skills, including how to translate....

Since its public release on November 30, 2022,...

As Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) continues to evolve,...

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a large language model noted for its ability to generate... 

Instructors use videos in face-to-face and online settings as a key tool in education. Students’ attentive...

Inclusive instructional design, or Universal Design for Learning, is a framework developed in the...

Gamification introduces games and game-like elements (such as friendly competition...

Hybrid teaching and learning classrooms typically combine face-to-face and online...

When courses shifted to virtual classrooms during the COVID-19 pandemic, effective teaching methods became crucial...

As online education grows, faculty and support staff need guidance in designing effective online...